Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Deviare hook component released

We have released the first version of Deviare. A free trial is available for download.
Deviare is a component for 'easy hooking' of Windows DLLs. Now you don't need to be an expert to incercept operating system functions because you use a COM object abstracting many of the complexities.

To show the power look at the following code snippet in CSharp (.NET):

DeviareTools.IProcesses procs = _mgr.get_Processes(0);
DeviareTools.IProcess proc = procs.get_Item("msnmsgr.exe");
DeviareTools.IPEModuleInfo mod =
DeviareTools.IExportedFunction fnc =

hook = mgr.CreateHook(fnc);
hook.OnFunctionCalled +=
new Deviare.DHookEvents_OnFunctionCalledEventHandler
hook.Properties = (int)DeviareCommonLib.HookFlags._call_before;

void hook_OnFunctionCalled(DeviareTools.Process proc,
DeviareParams.ICallInfo callInfo, Deviare.IRemoteCall rCall)
DeviareParams.IParams pms = callInfo.Params;
DeviareParams.IEnumParams enm = pms.Enumerator;
DeviareParams.IParam pm = enm.First;
pm = enm.Next;
object[] args = new object[1];
string msg = "Transmition -> ";
msg += pm.Value;
msg += "\r\n";
args[0] = msg;
txtOutput.Invoke(new AppendHandler(Append), args);

With this simple code you hook the send function in the WinSock dll for the Messenger process and our own function hook_OnFunctionCalled is called before the 'real send'
The code can be written in any COM friendly programming language like: C++, C#, VB, Java, Python, Perl, Ruby and many others. API Hook examples in C++, C#, VB.

Many applications can now be built on Deviare Technology like Spy Studio a tool to monitor Windows API and available for free.

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